Choose Your Mood..... Well Kind of.

I was able to roll out of bed today so I am off to a better start than yesterday.  I tend to stumble and fumble around the house in the dark until I get my eyes open.  Went and got my coffee started, THANK GOD for Keurig and the perfect cup of coffee.

Went downstairs and fed the cats, came back up, got my hot coffee (added some creamer) and started to walk to the table to sit down and collect my thoughts.  Instead of "gracefully" walking to the table I stepped on one cats tail, then tripped over the other one, and fell flat on my face, coffee thrown EVERYWHERE!  as I lay there, I thought why do I bother.  If I could get by with calling into work this would be the day -  However I need to pay the bills so I chose to clean up the mess, and head to the shower.

Who in the hell wanders around the house with hot coffee in the dark with two black cats?  Me, I do. I did this to myself.  I can't really be the type of person that chooses the mood they want to be in, but I am well enough today to get across this hurdle.
#cats #coffee


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